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To build / run / test a sample, open it's project in the workbench and double-click it's icon (the ruler with a pen icon). This will activate the project and make it the current project. You can then use the Project menu to interact with it.

Note that there is no need to build a sample before running it. Jazz support running any unit interpreted. The only exception is units containing FFI code but no sample uses any FFI at the moment.


The classical hello world sample.


A simple window to explain how Mandelbrot sets are calculated that I did with my son.

Use the Test menu item to create a new Mandelbrot window.


The Connect-4 game with a simple minimax AI.

Winner is first one to put 4 circles in a line.


The classic japanese game with a simple minimax AI.

Winner is first one to put 5 stones in a line.

Game Server

A sample web server.

You can launch the game server using either of the following methods :

  • Select the Game Server project by double-clicking it and then launch the project using the Project / Debug command. You can use the game server console to control the server. Type help for help.
  • Select the Servers window and double click the Game row to start the server inside the IDE.

To try the server enter the following address in any browser :


The Jedi IDE is itself the largest sample of Jazz code available. Anything you see in Jedi can be done in your applications. The full source code of Jedi is included for you to explore and discover how everything is done.