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If you plan on doing GUI development, you will need to install Cairo . On Windows, we precompiled it for you as a DLL so it is already installed. On other systems, you should install it the usual way with your package manager and Jazz will use pkg-config to find the various paths. If you are on Mac OS X, the simplest way to install Cairo is through macports. See the next section for details on installing macports if you don't already have it. With macports installed, installing cairo is easy. Simply execute the following command from any terminal: "sudo port install cairo" . Note that on systems that support both binary and development packages you should install the cairo-dev development package.


On Windows, the only backend fully tested to work with JazzScheme is MinGW . Note that some people have reported problems when building JazzScheme with old versions of MinGW. Another reported problem was from someone having both Cygwin and MinGW installed, where MinGW would wrongly call Cygwin's gcc. Uninstalling Cygwin fixed the problem. Also, as both MinGW and Git come with their own shell, the simplest way to have a shell supporting both, which is required to build Jazz, is to select the "Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt" when installing Git and then using the MinGW shell.


You install macports from http://www.macports.org/ . Note that a standard Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer is available. After the installation, you will need to edit your ~/.bash_profile file. Add /opt/local/bin to your PATH variable if it is not already there, and add the following line anywhere: "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig" .

X11 on the Mac

Due to a bug in Apple's installed version of X11, if you plan on using X11 on the Mac, you will need to install the latest X11 from Apple's official site for X11: http://xquartz.macosforge.org/ . Note that depending on your settings, X11 may need to be manually started before launching the Jedi IDE.


JazzScheme uses Git to store and access all development files.


The JazzScheme repositories are hosted at github : If you plan on using the Jedi IDE, only clone the Jedi repository as it will automatically include the Jazz repository as a submodule.


Some useful Git links :


If you get an error like "fatal: unable to connect a socket (Connection timed out)" it may be that you are behind a firewall that blocks outbound connections on Git's port 9418.


Jedi User

;; Clone the Jedi repository (only once).
;; This will create a 'jedi' directory containing all development files.
$ git clone git://github.com/jazzscheme/jedi.git
$ cd jedi

;; Pull from time to time to get the latest revision.
$ git pull

Jazz Contributor

;; Clone the Jazz repository (only once).
;; This will create a 'jazz' directory containing all development files.
$ git clone git://github.com/jazzscheme/jazz.git
$ cd jazz

;; Add email and name information that will appear in patches you submit.
$ git config user.email "you@email.com"
$ git config user.name "Your Name"

;; Create a public branch that will be used to rebase your changes.
$ git branch public

;; Commit changes you made and want to contribute.
;; Note that the -a option is necessary if you added any new files.
$ git commit -a -m "Some message describing your changes"

;; Pull from time to time to get the latest revision and rebase your changes.
;; Rebasing your changes before sending your changes as patches will greatly
;; minimize risks of conflicts when the Jazz maintainers apply your patches to
;; the central repository.
$ git checkout public
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout master
$ git rebase public
;; Optional step: fix any rebase conflicts.
;; See http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-rebase.html for details.
;; Edit and resolve conflicts in all the conflicting files.
$ git add <list of resolved files>
$ git rebase --continue

;; Send contributions as a series of patch files.
$ git format-patch origin
<email generated patch files to gcartier@jazzscheme.org>

Maintainer Scenario

;; Publish some changes.
$ git push pub master

;; Merge contributions.
$ git am -3 *.patch
;; Optional step: fix any am conflict.
$ git am --resolved


The same methodology is used to build Jazz or Jedi. Simply invoke the ./jam (Jazz Manager) script from the Jazz or the Jedi source directory. Jam will take care of updating any Git submodule dependencies and of building all the source files that have changed since the last build.

The build system follows the usual configure / make methodology but as the underlying Scheme system already represents a platform independant abstraction, there is no need to use the low-level GNU tools. The build system is fully implemented in Scheme, accessed using the ./jam script.

Do not worry about the many warnings generated when building the platform modules. These are due to limitations in the current implementation of Gambit's foreign-function interface and can be safely ignored.

A full build of Jazz or Jedi will take about 10mn on a MacBook Pro and require about 2G of memory to build without disk swapping.


Building Jazz

$ cd jazz
$ ./jam
JazzScheme Build System v2.6

;; Create the default configuration
% configure
  system: gambit
  platform: windows
  safety: release

;; Build the default target: 'all'
% make

Building Jedi

$ cd jedi
$ ./jam
JazzScheme Build System v2.6

;; Create the default configuration
% configure
  system: gambit
  platform: windows
  safety: release

;; Build the default target: 'jedi'
% make

Building many targets at a time

$ cd jedi
$ ./jam
JazzScheme Build System v2.6

;; This will build :
;; - the jazz target in the default configuration
;; - the platform target in the debug configuration
;; - the default target in the release configuration
% make jazz platform@debug @release


Launching the build system using jam with no options starts it in interactive mode which is unsuitable for batch scripting.

For scripting, the build system can be invoked directly from the command line :

$ ./jam [options]


Register a new configuration.

To support multiple configurations, configurations can optionaly be named.

Configurations are loaded / saved from the .configurations file located at the root. Using configure is basically an easy way to edit the .configurations file.

  [name: name]
  [system: system]
  [platform: platform]
  [windowing: windowing]
  [safety: safety]
  [optimize?: optimize?]
  [debug-environments?: debug-environments?]
  [debug-location?: debug-location?]
  [debug-source?: debug-source?]
  [mutable-bindings?: mutable-bindings?]
  [kernel-interpret?: kernel-interpret?]
  [destination: destination]

The optional name. Must be alphanumeric.

The underlying Scheme system (determined automatically)

  • gambit (the only fully supported scheme system at the moment)
  • chicken
  • ...

The platform (will try and guess based on system type)

  • mac
  • windows
  • unix

The windowing system (will try and guess based on system type)
  • carbon (development started)
  • x11 (almost there)
  • #f (use default platform windowing)

The runtime safety level

Core debug mode for debugging JazzScheme itself. Adds tests to make the kernel and core safe.
Standard debug mode with tests to make user code safe. This is the recommanded safety for development.
release (the default)
Release mode for stable user code with no safety tests. If you plan on using the Jedi IDE, you may want to build using this safety level as it will run alot faster.

This option adds optimization declares to the source code. Note that this will make debugging somewhat harder as the generated code will have gone through some transformations. At the moment it adds: proper-tail-calls, constant-fold and lambda-lift.
  • #f
  • #t (the default)

Include source in compiled code by compiling with Gambit's 'debug-source' option.

Note that this option is not needed anymore for using the statprof statistical profiler with compiled files since the new 'debug-location' option was added to Gambit.

Do not use this option unless you have a very specific need for it as it will result in much larger object files and due to a flaw in gcc also result in longer compile times.
  • #f (the default)
  • #t

Generate code that enables mutation of every bindings including standard and extended Gambit bindings.

An advanced option for Jazz developers to enable loading the kernel fully interpreted.
  • #f (the default)
  • #t

The optional build destination (defaults to "bin").

The destination specifies the directory where files will be built relative to the current directory.

Note that being able to specify an explicit build destination enables building multiple configurations under the current directory.


Build target for a configuration.

make [target@configuration] ...

The optional target to build which defaults to 'all' for Jazz and 'jedi' for Jedi.

Target Description
kernel the unit system
core the module system
scheme the scheme dialect
jazz the jazz dialect
platform the platform packages
jedi the jedi ide
all all the pre-installed packages
clean remove all build files
cleankernel remove all kernel files
cleanobject remove all object files
cleanlibrary remove all library files
<product> user <product>

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.

make clean

Clean a configuration by removing all build files.

make [clean@configuration] ...

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.

make cleankernel

Clean a configuration's kernel by removing all kernel files.

make [cleankernel@configuration] ...

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.

make cleanobject

Clean a configuration's object files.

make [cleanobject@configuration] ...

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.

make cleanlibrary

Clean a configuration's library files.

make [cleanlibrary@configuration] ...

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.

make install

There is no equivalent of make install due to the complexity of supporting multiple systems and user preferences. Since this step is also very simple to do manually, installing the built configuration is left to the user.

Depending on your system you will usually
  • Copy the built files to standard system locations or
  • Modify your environment variables to point to the location of the Jazz executable

Note that at this time, modifying your environment variables is the preferred approach as some units like Jedi are still dependent on source files.


List configurations.



Delete a configuration.

delete [configuration]

The optional configuration which defaults to the default configuration.


Quit the build system.



The following instructions presuppose basic knowledge of Gambit's REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) that is used for debugging Gambit code. See Gambit's manual for details.

If you get an error while building, and the message is not enough to understand the problem, you can follow the following instructions to get a full-fledged Gambit REPL to explore the problem further.

First, you have to determine if the error is occuring while building the kernel or while building a product. Each build step displays a message of the following format: 'make <target>' . Any <target> other than 'kernel' means that it is a product that is being built.

  • If the problem is in building the kernel, launch the build system in debug mode with: './jam debug' . This will disable the build system's own REPL and get you a Gambit REPL. To build configuration <configuration-name> , execute: (jazz.make '<configuration-name>) . Note that <configuration-name> is optional if you want to build the default configuration.
  • Else, find the built 'kernel.exe' kernel located inside the build directory and launch it like this: kernel -make target@configuration:image -debug .